Brasa Defence Systems Ltd specializes in multi-layer functional clothing and adjustable tactical equipment manufactured for combat situations in the wide range of environments and climates found throughout the world. Join our rapidly-growing list of satisfied customers, including the Latvian Army and other military and law enforcement agencies worldwide.

Our tactical clothing and equipment is suited for all weather conditions and works best together.
Lightweight and comfortable
Pixel perfect accuracy made by top-notch ergonomic specialists.
From -30 till + 40
Integrated solutions to control overheating or freezing.
Breathable and special fabric
Almost like a second skin and comfortable in any conditions.
Product lifecycle management
Our extremely flexible production line can be quickly adapted to suit our clients’ needs. As a result, our partners enjoy fast lead times at competitive prices, with no adverse effects on the superb quality on which we pride ourselves. Our ultra-modern production line allows us handling of our products through the all stages of its lifespan, starting with development through the maturity and till the decline.
Our international experience with some of the leading agencies in the world, means that we have our finger on the pulse of all the latest changes and developments in the industry, and are ready to deliver them to you.
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Request more information
Plienciema street 16, Marupe, Marupe county, LV-2167
Phone +371 67 311 624
Fax +371 67 311 620
E-mail info@brasa.lv